Cooling System Maintenance

Cooling System Maintenance & Repairs Copyright AA1Car The engine's cooling system helps the engine manage heat. Hot weather increases the thermal load on the engine's cooling system and makes it work harder - especially when the air conditioner is also running. Operating temperatures go up and system pressures rise increasing the risk of failure among any weak parts in the system.Overheating can also occur if the thermostat or water pump fails. The thermostat is a temperature-sensitive valve that regulates the operating temperature of the engine autel maxidas ds708 update. It speeds engine warm up after a cold start and regulates the flow of coolant between the engine and radiator once the engine reaches normal temperature. The thermostat is usually located in a housing where the upper radiator hose connects to the engine. WATER PUMP WOES Water pumps move a lot of coolant,hundreds of gallons per hour mile after mile. The pump shaft and bearings are under constant load not only from the drive belt or timing belt but also the fan on older vehicles with pump-mounted mechanical cooling fans.You will have to replace the hose. If the leak is at the water pump,that means a new water pump is needed. Sealer won't work there either. Replacing most radiators is fairly easy,but some are part of a cooling module that includes an electric fan and condenser. A leaky radiator can be taken to a radiator repair shop to be repaired,or you can go to an auto parts store and buy a replacement radiator. Used radiators from a salvage yard are always a gamble and often turn out to be a leaker,too. If you are replacing your radiator,make sure the new radiator is the same size (height,width & thickness),and has inlet and outlet fittings in the correct locations so the hoses will line up. Some replacement radiators may be somewhat thicker or thinner than the original,but as long as it provides the same cooling efficiency (or better) than the original,it should work fine. If you have a"souped up"engine that puts out more horsepower than a stock engine,you should upgrade to a larger,thicker and more efficient radiator to handle the extra heat produced by your engine autel maxiscan. An auxiliary electric cooling fan can also help. Always install new hoses if you are replacing an older high mileage radiator. Don't take a chance with old hoses.
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7 Oct 2015