The Free Tech That Will Help You on Your Way

The Free Tech That Will Help You on Your Way For a little background, I didn't own a car for about eight years, and before that, I had a small car I barely had the sense to put gas in, let alone repair anything on. Then, a couple years ago, I was handed down a small truck. Within the first couple weeks, a hose connection leading to the radiator cracked. I took a picture of the part that seemed to be leaking, walked into an auto parts store, showed it to them, and they found the replacement part for me autel. Twenty minutes later it was in and the truck was working again. Since then, I've helped friends with a wide range of repairs so I could learn more and practice. For DIY repairs, your computer is your friend. AutoMD and Expert Village are both excellent resources of general purpose videos, how-to guides, and diagnostic assistance for the most common car problems. AutoMD also has an iPhone app with guides optimized for mobile viewing. If you need help deciding if a repair is worth your time, RepairPal is an excellent resource for checking the average cost of repairs in a shop and can help you decide if it's worth the time and effort to do it yourself autel ds708 update. As for the repair work, consider your phone, tablet, or computer the manual. Bring it out to the car with the video guide loaded up or the walkthrough in front of you. Watch and read over the directions several times so you feel comfortable, but keep your technology ready in case you need to reference a step. Take a picture of the section you're going to work on with your phone or a digital camera before you start so you know exactly how the engine is supposed to look if you get lost in the directions. If you feel like you need paper, you can always print directions or purchase your car's official guide. For this guide, you can watch the videos embedded within or find step-by-step text instructions linked at the end of each section.
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14 Oct 2015